
John Graves


在命名为 "Saintfield "之前,这个村庄被称为 "Tawnaghnym",然后是 "Taunaghnieve",实际上这个英文翻译直到18世纪才出现和使用。 这个村庄在历史上经历了很多事件,才达到现在的状态。


说到圣菲尔德,人们可以去几个不同的目的地,如位于村庄南部的罗瓦莱恩花园。 还有各种古老的建筑,它们位于主要街道上,有些建筑后面还有古老的马厩和院子。


在我们访问唐郡的这个村庄时,我们经过了几个地方,我们认为这些地方是值得一看的,其中包括咖啡馆、面包店以及其他的历史建筑,这些建筑会告诉我们更多关于这个地方的历史。 我们经过了Saint Cafe,检查了那里提供的有趣的三明治和甜点。

我们还去过Saintfield Griddle家庭面包店,那里有甜美的面包美食。 还有Rowallane花园,人们在那里散步时可以享受到美丽的绿色空间。

Rowallane花园 罗瓦莱恩花园的景色


早在16世纪,圣菲尔德是南克兰纳波伊的一部分,属于康-麦克尼尔-奥格-奥尼尔爵士。 之后,这片土地在1605年被授予詹姆斯-汉密尔顿爵士,他在该地区种植了英国和苏格兰的定居者。 在17世纪初的定居点,第一座教堂建于1633年。 霍利蒙的尼古拉斯-普莱斯少将在1709年购买了这个村庄,他是那个最后将其名称改为圣菲尔德。

尼古拉斯-普赖斯一直照顾这个村庄,直到他去世,他也是鼓励亚麻布和商人定居的人。 他还创建了一个兵营,修复了教区教堂,建立了市场和集市。 普赖斯是村里的玉米、面粉和亚麻磨坊数量的背后原因。 其中一些至今仍然存在,并获得了纺织业的传统。通过圣菲尔德的纱线。

See_also: 权力的游戏》:热门电视剧背后的真实历史


除了我们在上面的视频中为大家带来的关于圣菲尔德的那些地方和建议之外,还有其他地方你可以去看看。 比如圣菲尔德图书馆、拉德蒙庄园酒厂、离这个小镇不远的基尔顿加野生动物保护区。

See_also: 伦敦的苏荷区餐厅:10个最佳地点为你的一天增添色彩

说到北爱尔兰的村庄,比如圣菲尔德,还有一些其他地方可能会引起你的兴趣,比如坎洛(Carnlough)渔村。 它位于安特里姆郡,是享受美好时光的完美目的地,而不仅仅是钓鱼。 波特林特雷(Portballintrae)海滩村是进行一些水上活动的好地方。

你以前去过唐郡的圣菲尔德村吗? 一定要让我们知道 🙂。


John Graves
John Graves
Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler, writer, and photographer hailing from Vancouver, Canada. With a deep passion for exploring new cultures and meeting people from all walks of life, Jeremy has embarked on numerous adventures across the globe, documenting his experiences through captivating storytelling and stunning visual imagery.Having studied journalism and photography at the prestigious University of British Columbia, Jeremy honed his skills as a writer and storyteller, enabling him to transport readers to the heart of every destination he visits. His ability to weave together narratives of history, culture, and personal anecdotes has earned him a loyal following on his acclaimed blog, Traveling in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the world under the pen name John Graves.Jeremy's love affair with Ireland and Northern Ireland began during a solo backpacking trip through the Emerald Isle, where he was instantly captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and warm-hearted people. His deep appreciation for the rich history, folklore, and music of the region compelled him to return time and again, completely immersing himself in the local cultures and traditions.Through his blog, Jeremy provides invaluable tips, recommendations, and insights for travelers looking to explore the enchanting destinations of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Whether it's uncovering hiddengems in Galway, tracing the footsteps of ancient Celts on the Giant's Causeway, or immersing oneself in the bustling streets of Dublin, Jeremy's meticulous attention to detail ensures that his readers have the ultimate travel guide at their disposal.As a seasoned globetrotter, Jeremy's adventures extend far beyond Ireland and Northern Ireland. From traversing the vibrant streets of Tokyo to exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, he has left no stone unturned in his quest for remarkable experiences around the world. His blog serves as a valuable resource for travelers seeking inspiration and practical advice for their own journeys, no matter the destination.Jeremy Cruz, through his engaging prose and captivating visual content, invites you to join him on a transformative journey across Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the world. Whether you are an armchair traveler searching for vicarious adventures or a seasoned explorer seeking your next destination, his blog promises to be your trusted companion, bringing the wonders of the world to your doorstep.