
John Graves










See_also: 关于埃及阿斯旺康姆布寺的8个有趣的事实

这种非凡的自然天光体验也被称为 "北极光",有各种颜色,从明亮的蓝色和绿色到美丽的粉色和橙色,在夜空中闪烁着异乎寻常的光芒。

为了获得观看爱尔兰北极光的最佳机会,你需要找到光污染最小的地方,这意味着你需要远离混乱的爱尔兰城市,前往未受干扰的狂野大西洋路、多尼戈尔或马林海德。 这些只是在爱尔兰观看北极光的一些热门地点。 你越往北走,你就越有机会捕捉到北极光。北极光显示。

爱尔兰的超级特别之处在于它位于北纬52度和55度之间,这意味着它提供了一个捕捉北极光的绝佳地点。 与冰岛等地不同的是,人们可以从上面体验北极光,而在爱尔兰,人们可以在北方地平线上或上面看到令人惊叹的极光显示。

沿着狂野大西洋之路(Wild Atlantic Way)的英尼修文半岛(Inishowen Peninsula)是另一个发现灯光秀的地方,因为它的位置很好,没有光污染。


这似乎是显而易见的,但当然,欣赏北极光的最佳时间是在天黑之前。 远离任何可能围绕着你的光污染;无论是路灯还是建筑物,你都需要有一个清晰的北方视野来获得一瞥。

然而,很难预测北极光究竟何时出现,这很大程度上是由于在正确的时间出现在正确的地点。 但是,你可以做一些事情,让自己有更好的机会。

首先,每年的时间是一个重要的方面,冬季被认为是最好的时间,因为夜晚的黑暗时间更长。 不幸的是,对于任何希望在爱尔兰体验北极光的人来说,你将不得不忍受冰冷的爱尔兰冬天,所以要确保你有一个漂亮和温暖的包裹。


See_also: 关于英国莱斯特,你需要知道的一切

你必须考虑的另一件事是天气,这是事情开始变得更加复杂的地方。 为了真正体验北极光,你需要注意两个天气系统


迷人的灯光显示是几何风暴的杰作,它是由太阳风冲击波引起的地球磁层的短暂扰动。 几何风暴可以从G1(最小)到G5(最大)进行排名,风暴越大,你在爱尔兰看到北极光的机会越大。

第二件需要注意的事情是当地的天气,因为爱尔兰以其不可预测的天气而闻名。 听到巨大的几何风暴即将来临,这一切都很好,但如果爱尔兰的天空不晴朗,你就很有可能无法体验到天空中的表演。 所以要始终密切关注当地的天气,以确保天空中不会有云。


任何计划在爱尔兰观看北极光的人都想确保他们能拍到北极光表演的最佳照片。 我们有一些顶级提示,帮助你拍到美丽的北极光照片。


  • 将你的相机设置为手动;这意味着你可以控制各种设置,包括曝光器、灯光、快门速度等等;因此你可以找到最有效的方法。 确保你没有打开闪光灯,否则你会破坏一张完美的北极光照片。
  • 要非常稳定:确保你的相机或手机使用三脚架,以帮助稳定它,因为北极光总是在天空中移动,你会想在不摇晃的情况下捕捉到这一点。
  • 拥有各种镜头 - 如果你使用数码相机,你会想尝试不同的镜头。 一个广角镜头将非常适合捕捉尽可能多的天空。

在爱尔兰近距离观看北极光将是你永远的记忆。 这是世界上最令人惊讶的奇迹之一,还有什么比在世界最好的国家之一观看它们更好的方式呢。

你曾经有幸在爱尔兰看到过北极光吗? 在下面与我们分享你的故事吧



John Graves
John Graves
Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler, writer, and photographer hailing from Vancouver, Canada. With a deep passion for exploring new cultures and meeting people from all walks of life, Jeremy has embarked on numerous adventures across the globe, documenting his experiences through captivating storytelling and stunning visual imagery.Having studied journalism and photography at the prestigious University of British Columbia, Jeremy honed his skills as a writer and storyteller, enabling him to transport readers to the heart of every destination he visits. His ability to weave together narratives of history, culture, and personal anecdotes has earned him a loyal following on his acclaimed blog, Traveling in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the world under the pen name John Graves.Jeremy's love affair with Ireland and Northern Ireland began during a solo backpacking trip through the Emerald Isle, where he was instantly captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and warm-hearted people. His deep appreciation for the rich history, folklore, and music of the region compelled him to return time and again, completely immersing himself in the local cultures and traditions.Through his blog, Jeremy provides invaluable tips, recommendations, and insights for travelers looking to explore the enchanting destinations of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Whether it's uncovering hiddengems in Galway, tracing the footsteps of ancient Celts on the Giant's Causeway, or immersing oneself in the bustling streets of Dublin, Jeremy's meticulous attention to detail ensures that his readers have the ultimate travel guide at their disposal.As a seasoned globetrotter, Jeremy's adventures extend far beyond Ireland and Northern Ireland. From traversing the vibrant streets of Tokyo to exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, he has left no stone unturned in his quest for remarkable experiences around the world. His blog serves as a valuable resource for travelers seeking inspiration and practical advice for their own journeys, no matter the destination.Jeremy Cruz, through his engaging prose and captivating visual content, invites you to join him on a transformative journey across Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the world. Whether you are an armchair traveler searching for vicarious adventures or a seasoned explorer seeking your next destination, his blog promises to be your trusted companion, bringing the wonders of the world to your doorstep.