
John Graves

洛夫特斯庄园位于韦克斯福德郡,是胡克半岛的一部分,因其形状而被称为胡克半岛。 我们用作封面的洛夫特斯庄园的照片是由TripAdvisor提供的!

这座房子最初是一座城堡,但在1350年取代了城堡。 它被称为雷德蒙大厅,因为原来拥有该大厅的家族叫雷德蒙。 1650年代,来自英国的洛夫特斯家族买下了这座房子,它就改了名字。

在18世纪末和19世纪,庄园的所有权在1889年破产后发生了多次变化。 以前的一些所有者包括一个修女会和一所女子学校,现在由奎格利家族拥有,他们在2011年购买了庄园。


该大厅有丰富的闹鬼历史,许多人提到了一个名为 "洛夫特斯大厅的传说 "的故事。

See_also: 土耳其布尔萨的奇妙之城

传说在附近海域发生风暴时,一个陌生人骑着马走近了这所房子。 这个陌生人被住在庄园里的托特纳姆家族收留。 托特纳姆家族的一个年轻成员安妮爱上了这个陌生人。 一天晚上,在玩牌时,年轻的安妮在掉下一张牌后发现,这个陌生人有蹄子而不是脚。


年轻的安妮伤心欲绝,在震惊之余,她的家人把她锁在一个房间里,后来她死在那里。 她的家人报告说,晚上看到她在大厅里转悠。 她的家人后来找了一个当地的天主教牧师为大厅驱魔,但无法为挂毯房间驱魔。 安妮死在的那个房间。


2011年洛夫特斯家族买下了这个庄园,他们在翻修后向公众重新开放了这个大厅。 在整个夏天和万圣节期间,游客可以预约参观这个大厅。

参观者声称在大厅里感觉到并看到了超自然的活动。 大厅及其周围也有一种真正的阴森感觉,房子周围有许多阴森的热点。 大厅的不同部分有不同的气氛、温度和不安的感觉。


遗憾的是,该厅并非全年开放。 游客可以在整个夏季和万圣节期间参观洛夫图斯厅。

  • 六月底 - 22日-30日
  • 7月- 第1-31届
  • 八月 - 第1-25届
  • 10月- 26日-31日



  • 成人-- €12
  • 让步* - €10
  • 儿童- €3*


  • 成人-- €65


  • 最低预订人数为4人- €140


  • 成人-- €75


  • 成人-- €35


  • 成人-- €25


  • 成人-- €15
  • 让步* - €12
  • 儿童* - €8


  • 成人-- €4
  • 让步* - €3
  • 儿童* - 免费

*儿童需要年满5岁或以上。 优惠者需要有学生证、老人证或有有效的照顾者证。


  • 适合轮椅使用
  • 对导盲犬友好
  • 现场的咖啡馆

想了解更多关于洛夫特斯大厅的信息,请访问洛夫特斯大厅的网站。 在这里,你可以预约参观,在这里你可以了解更多关于大厅的历史,甚至查看附近的景点。

See_also: 异教徒和女巫:找到他们的最佳地点

你去过洛夫特斯大厅吗? 请在下面的评论中告诉我们你的经历。 如果没有,请告诉我们你在爱尔兰最喜欢的闹鬼经历。

你可能会喜欢的其他博客: Haunted Wicklow Gaol

John Graves
John Graves
Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler, writer, and photographer hailing from Vancouver, Canada. With a deep passion for exploring new cultures and meeting people from all walks of life, Jeremy has embarked on numerous adventures across the globe, documenting his experiences through captivating storytelling and stunning visual imagery.Having studied journalism and photography at the prestigious University of British Columbia, Jeremy honed his skills as a writer and storyteller, enabling him to transport readers to the heart of every destination he visits. His ability to weave together narratives of history, culture, and personal anecdotes has earned him a loyal following on his acclaimed blog, Traveling in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the world under the pen name John Graves.Jeremy's love affair with Ireland and Northern Ireland began during a solo backpacking trip through the Emerald Isle, where he was instantly captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and warm-hearted people. His deep appreciation for the rich history, folklore, and music of the region compelled him to return time and again, completely immersing himself in the local cultures and traditions.Through his blog, Jeremy provides invaluable tips, recommendations, and insights for travelers looking to explore the enchanting destinations of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Whether it's uncovering hiddengems in Galway, tracing the footsteps of ancient Celts on the Giant's Causeway, or immersing oneself in the bustling streets of Dublin, Jeremy's meticulous attention to detail ensures that his readers have the ultimate travel guide at their disposal.As a seasoned globetrotter, Jeremy's adventures extend far beyond Ireland and Northern Ireland. From traversing the vibrant streets of Tokyo to exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, he has left no stone unturned in his quest for remarkable experiences around the world. His blog serves as a valuable resource for travelers seeking inspiration and practical advice for their own journeys, no matter the destination.Jeremy Cruz, through his engaging prose and captivating visual content, invites you to join him on a transformative journey across Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the world. Whether you are an armchair traveler searching for vicarious adventures or a seasoned explorer seeking your next destination, his blog promises to be your trusted companion, bringing the wonders of the world to your doorstep.