
John Graves

谁不喜欢《权力的游戏》系列电影和它的地狼!在北爱尔兰沃德城堡的临冬城节上,我们遇到了《权力的游戏》电视剧中原始或真实的地狼。 地狼的意思是可怕的狗--它们看起来就是这样!"!

什么是 "地狼"?

狼的品种被认为是非常罕见的,它们也被认为是最接近狼的东西。 它们是一个已经灭绝的物种,但最初被命名的时间是1858年,当时发现了第一个标本。 狼很可能是从北美的阿姆布鲁斯特狼进化而来的。 狼被认为是非常大的,而且像灰狼一样聪明,它们是灰狼。在尺寸上相当相似。


当然,由于地狼已经灭绝,他们在拍摄《权力的游戏》时并没有真正使用过一次。 这些实际上恰好是最接近现实生活中的地狼的Northern Init狗(Lookswise)。 Northern Inuts狗饲养的地狼扮演小狗和小地狼,但在那里用CGI增强为成年狗,使它们看起来更逼真。

See_also: 旧好莱坞:1920年代末至1960年代好莱坞的黄金时代

狼人的名字》(The Names of the Direwolves

纵观《权力的游戏》系列,剧中有六只属于史塔克家孩子的地狼。 扮演地狼的狗都有独特的名字,分别是灰风、女士、尼梅利亚、夏天和毛毛狗。 其中两只来自北爱尔兰。


这两只来自北爱尔兰的狗分别是 "灰风 "和 "夏天"。 但它们的真实名字是西奥和奥丁,它们的主人是来自唐郡的威廉-穆尔霍尔。 这两只狗的保险金额为100万英镑,自从在节目中出现后,它们在世界各地都非常有名。 它们的父母原本来自英国,但这两只狗是第一个在北爱尔兰出生的同类。

他们甚至在社交媒体上有自己的twitter、facebook和Instagram账户,他们喜欢与粉丝互动(或者我应该说他们的主人喜欢)。 当他们不在拍摄《权力的游戏》时,这些狗参加了欧洲各地的活动。

灰风出现在三季中--第一、二、三季,不幸的是,他在红色婚礼上被杀(Spoiler Alert*)。 夏季冰原狼出现在四季中:第一、二、六、七季,然后他在巫师和异鬼袭击三眼乌鸦山洞时为保护布兰而被杀。 希望如果你是《权力的游戏》粉丝,你已经看到这些节目中,我们不会给你带来太多的破坏。


剧中仅有的两只还活着的冰原狼是Ghost和Nymeria。 Ghost被Kit Harington扮演的琼恩-雪诺收养,他是一个白化病患者,有红色的眼睛。 第二只Nymeria被Maise Williams扮演的Arya Stark收养。 Nymeria在河间地带领狼群,是在南方的第一个冰原狼。许多世纪以来。

这些动物相当吸引人,为《权力的游戏》所处的中世纪环境增色不少。 很高兴看到这些来自北爱尔兰的一些动物,就像《权力的游戏》中的许多拍摄地一样。

你是《权力的游戏》的粉丝吗? 你喜欢剧中的地狼吗? 我们很想知道


See_also: 世界上最古老的8种文明

John Graves
John Graves
Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler, writer, and photographer hailing from Vancouver, Canada. With a deep passion for exploring new cultures and meeting people from all walks of life, Jeremy has embarked on numerous adventures across the globe, documenting his experiences through captivating storytelling and stunning visual imagery.Having studied journalism and photography at the prestigious University of British Columbia, Jeremy honed his skills as a writer and storyteller, enabling him to transport readers to the heart of every destination he visits. His ability to weave together narratives of history, culture, and personal anecdotes has earned him a loyal following on his acclaimed blog, Traveling in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the world under the pen name John Graves.Jeremy's love affair with Ireland and Northern Ireland began during a solo backpacking trip through the Emerald Isle, where he was instantly captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and warm-hearted people. His deep appreciation for the rich history, folklore, and music of the region compelled him to return time and again, completely immersing himself in the local cultures and traditions.Through his blog, Jeremy provides invaluable tips, recommendations, and insights for travelers looking to explore the enchanting destinations of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Whether it's uncovering hiddengems in Galway, tracing the footsteps of ancient Celts on the Giant's Causeway, or immersing oneself in the bustling streets of Dublin, Jeremy's meticulous attention to detail ensures that his readers have the ultimate travel guide at their disposal.As a seasoned globetrotter, Jeremy's adventures extend far beyond Ireland and Northern Ireland. From traversing the vibrant streets of Tokyo to exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, he has left no stone unturned in his quest for remarkable experiences around the world. His blog serves as a valuable resource for travelers seeking inspiration and practical advice for their own journeys, no matter the destination.Jeremy Cruz, through his engaging prose and captivating visual content, invites you to join him on a transformative journey across Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the world. Whether you are an armchair traveler searching for vicarious adventures or a seasoned explorer seeking your next destination, his blog promises to be your trusted companion, bringing the wonders of the world to your doorstep.