
John Graves

想逃离日常生活的压力和紧张吗? 位于爱尔兰威克洛郡的独特的 "胜利者之路 "印第安人雕塑公园是一块真正的隐蔽宝石。

在维克多之路印度雕塑公园,你会发现一个宁静的冥想花园,里面有令人难以置信的花岗岩雕塑。 这个景点是由印度马哈巴里普兰的工匠们创造的。 这些雕塑现在已经找到了他们在威克洛郡的方式。



维克多之路公园占地22英亩,包括一系列甘尼什、湿婆和其他印度教神灵的舞蹈形象。 公园里其他引人注目的雕塑包括一个类似佛陀的骨架形象。

你还发现了一个被称为 "分裂的人 "的雕塑,展示了一个将自己撕成两半的人物,暗示着 "功能失调的人的精神状态"。

这14座印度雕塑花费了惊人的20年时间,是根据公园主人维克多-兰赫德1989年的设计而创作的。 维克多-兰赫德在去印度寻找启蒙的旅行后,受到启发,开发了这些设计。

这些雕塑代表着精神上的进步和启蒙。 还有一块牌子是献给杰出的数学家艾伦-图灵的。

See_also: 摩洛哥的最佳城市度假:探索文化大熔炉



他说:" 太多的一日游游客来到这里,把它变成了一个供带孩子的父母玩耍的公园。 它被设计成一个供28岁以上的人沉思的花园。"

然而,在2016年,该公园以其原来的名字 "维克多之路 "重新开放。 一个新的年龄限制已经到位,以限制那些能够欣赏公园的精神意义的人。

重新启动的公园被《石板》杂志描述为 "一个旨在改变你生活的花园"。

虽然这个公园不会适合每个人的口味,但它是爱尔兰值得发现的独特事物之一。 如果你想从繁忙的日常生活中逃离出来,那么去宁静的维克多路公园旅行可能正是你所需要的。 此外,它是为那些年龄在28到60岁之间的人创建的,作为一个沉思的空间。



这个户外公园绝对不同于你以前所见的任何东西。 雕塑的细节令人难以置信,有时甚至令人痛心疾首。 它不适合胆小的人,也不适合胆小的人。 但是,尽管展示得很激烈,这些雕塑提供了值得探索的更深层次的意义。

它可能不是爱尔兰最受欢迎的景点,但它提供了非常有趣的东西。 这个公园不被认为是一个家庭公园,而是一个沉思的环境,在这里你可以体验生命的不同阶段。

由于参观人数的增加,在上个季节,公园管理部门决定对参观人数进行限制。 因此,建立了一个新的预订系统,这既可以让游客充分体验公园的精神世界,又有助于防止Covid-19大流行病的蔓延。







See_also: 意大利佛罗伦萨:财富、美丽和历史之城


你去过维克托斯路的印度雕塑公园吗? 我们很想听听你对这个景点的看法。

还可以查看其他一些您可能感兴趣的旅游景点:Jeanie Johnston号:爱尔兰移民船

John Graves
John Graves
Jeremy Cruz is an avid traveler, writer, and photographer hailing from Vancouver, Canada. With a deep passion for exploring new cultures and meeting people from all walks of life, Jeremy has embarked on numerous adventures across the globe, documenting his experiences through captivating storytelling and stunning visual imagery.Having studied journalism and photography at the prestigious University of British Columbia, Jeremy honed his skills as a writer and storyteller, enabling him to transport readers to the heart of every destination he visits. His ability to weave together narratives of history, culture, and personal anecdotes has earned him a loyal following on his acclaimed blog, Traveling in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the world under the pen name John Graves.Jeremy's love affair with Ireland and Northern Ireland began during a solo backpacking trip through the Emerald Isle, where he was instantly captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and warm-hearted people. His deep appreciation for the rich history, folklore, and music of the region compelled him to return time and again, completely immersing himself in the local cultures and traditions.Through his blog, Jeremy provides invaluable tips, recommendations, and insights for travelers looking to explore the enchanting destinations of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Whether it's uncovering hiddengems in Galway, tracing the footsteps of ancient Celts on the Giant's Causeway, or immersing oneself in the bustling streets of Dublin, Jeremy's meticulous attention to detail ensures that his readers have the ultimate travel guide at their disposal.As a seasoned globetrotter, Jeremy's adventures extend far beyond Ireland and Northern Ireland. From traversing the vibrant streets of Tokyo to exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, he has left no stone unturned in his quest for remarkable experiences around the world. His blog serves as a valuable resource for travelers seeking inspiration and practical advice for their own journeys, no matter the destination.Jeremy Cruz, through his engaging prose and captivating visual content, invites you to join him on a transformative journey across Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the world. Whether you are an armchair traveler searching for vicarious adventures or a seasoned explorer seeking your next destination, his blog promises to be your trusted companion, bringing the wonders of the world to your doorstep.